「沖縄平和学習アーカイブ」「The Peace Learning Archive in OKINAWA」では,沖縄戦争体験者の証言102人と,182点の沖縄戦写真並びに資料地図を閲覧することができます。 複数のデジタルアーカイブをデジタルアース上の地図にデジタル重層し,沖縄戦に関する多面的で総合的な理解が出来ます。

- 製作・著作
- 沖縄県
- 共同企業体制作チーム
- Peace Learning Digital Contents Creative Joint Venture
- 総合監修者
- 首都大学東京大学院
システムデザイン研究科 准教授 渡邉英徳 - 幹事会社
- 沖縄コンピュータ販売株式会社
- 共同企業体構成員
- 有限会社テトラビット
- 有限会社アンテナ
- 有限会社ルーツ
- 株式会社沖縄広報センター
- 協力会社
- 株式会社DMF
- 沖縄アスコン株式会社
- ワークショップ
- 首都大学東京システムデザイン研究科
- 琉球大学
- 沖縄国際大学
- 撮影協力
- 二宮章
- 地図タイル提供
- GIS沖縄研究室
Testimonials, Photos

The Peace Learning Archive in OKINAWA lets its users to read 102 testimonials by survivors of the Battle of Okinawa, and to view 182 photographs and archived maps. Several digital archives are multi-layered on the Degital Earth map to facilitate multilateral and comprehensive understanding of the Battle.
March 28, 2013: 30 testimonials from the Miyako Archipelago, Yaeyama Islands, and outside of the prefecture have been added.

Prof. Hidenori Watanave, Faculty of System Design
Tokyo Metropolitan University
The Peace Learning Archive in OKINAWA is a culmination of the creation methods of “pluralistic digital archives” established with the workings of the archives related to Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and the Great East Japan Earthquake. Information regarding time and space are supplemented to all of the testimonials and photo materials and it allows the user to freely move about in the skies of Okinawa in the 1940s for a deeper understanding of the actual circumstances of the Battle of Okinawa. The website is devised to allow the user to view the video and text for each of the testimonials. Additionally, photo data are carefully laid out and arranged to replicate as precisely as possible the conditions at which the photos were taken. We hope that the visitors to the website will take the opportunity to view our archives and retrace the steps of the days past and walk through memories that shall not be forgotten.
Professor Watanave has conducted research in design, art and entertainment of information architecture that applies digital globe and virtual world services.
Works include:
Hiroshima Archive
The East Japan Earthquake Archive (2011)
Nagasaki Archive (2010)
Tuvalu Visualization Project (2009)
He graduated from the Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture (Recipient of Diploma Award for Designing) in 1966 and earned his master’s degree in 1998; CEO of Photon, Inc. since 2001 (presently the Supervisor and Director); Associate Professor at the Faculty of System Design of Tokyo Metropolitan University from 2008; and since 2010, the Associate Professor of the Hidenori Watanave Laboratory.
Copyright and Production
- Production and Copyright
- Okinawa Prefecture
- Production team consortium
- Peace Learning Digital Contents Creative Joint Venture
- Overall supervision
- Prof. Hidenori Watanave, Faculty of System Design
Tokyo Metropolitan University - Company secretary
- Okinawa Computer Hambai Co., Ltd.
- Consortium members
- Antenna, Ltd.
- Roots Co., Ltd.
- Okinawa Kohocenter. Co., Ltd.
- Cooperating companies
- DMF Co., Ltd.
- Workshop
- Graduate school of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- University of the Ryukyus
- Okinawa International University
- Photography cooperation
- Mr. Akira Ninomiya
Translation Disclaimer
Translations on this website are provided to the general public in order to introduce and share war experiences of survivors. Okinawa Prefectural Government does not warrant the accuracy and legality of any translated information.
Should any differences arise between the original Japanese and the translations, the original Japanese shall prevail.
Please note that Okinawa Prefectural Government and parties involved in the creation of this website shall not be responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the translations and materials provided on this website, or for any loss, trouble or consequence resulting from use of the information in this website.